
We love FASHION. Working at BAF means: taking on responsibility quickly and still living teamwork. If you have good ideas, you have the opportunity to implement them. Honesty and transparency are very important to us. Weekly updates let everyone know what’s happening.
Everything we do has one main goal: to deliver the best results for our customers! Wherever we can, we are a creative sparring partner, input provider, reliable and sustainable service provider – and we put our heart and soul into it!




I like the family atmosphere at BAF and – for me as a mother of two – the flexible working hours. I can really express myself creatively and like the hands-on mentality as well as the positive “upbeat” atmosphere.


Work preparation

I’ve been with BAF for several years now and I still enjoy working in the team! It’s never boring because there are always new models to work on and my colleagues are always ready to help me with difficult tasks. We master all projects together and have a lot of fun doing it!



I particularly appreciate the dynamic and creative atmosphere in our company. The opportunity to work closely with our customers and at the same time develop innovative sales strategies allows me to keep my finger on the pulse and continuously expand and contribute my skills.


Clothing technician

I am encouraged and challenged at BAF and have the opportunity to make a good contribution, for example with our new digital project CLO3D. We work together as equals and I like our open feedback culture.

Open vacancies

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Nothing is currently advertised for you? Then send us an unsolicited application! We are growing – new opportunities arise quickly!

Unser Team ist unsere Stärke

Wir glauben, dass jeder einzelne Mitarbeitende eine wichtige Rolle spielt, um unsere Ziele zu erreichen. Deshalb legen wir großen Wert darauf, dass sich jeder in unserem Unternehmen unterstützt und respektiert fühlt. Durch diesen Zusammenhalt schaffen wir eine Arbeitsumgebung, die geprägt ist von Freude an der Arbeit, Motivation und Leistungsbereitschaft.

Durch die offene Kommunikation und den Know-How Austausch in unserem Team sind wir in der Lage, innovative Designs zu entwickeln, die den Geschmack unserer Kunden treffen.

Wir suchen motivierte und kreative Köpfe, die gemeinsamt mit unsere ihre Leidenschaft für Mode ausleben möchten.

Wenn du Teil unseres Teams werden möchtest, dann bewirb dich jetzt bei uns!